A web game where the challenge is to find as many words as possible containing the letters in the given license plate (in order!).
Safari Extension (Mac & iOS) that lets you redact or hide content on web pages.
A little Mac menu bar app to display the current aerial wallpaper description.
A little serverless app to find solutions for the NYT’s Spelling Bee game.
Slack app for the NYT’s Spelling Bee game.
Mac menu bar app that displays sunrise & sunset info for your (or any) location.
Slack bot that makes it easy to add books or articles to Goodreads or Pocket.
iOS app and accompanying website that tracks your location in the background and gives you a heatmap of your travels.
iOS app that turns QR codes into Game of Life simulations.
A walk-through creating an OS X menu bar app in Swift.
A home for remote workers.
A Mac OS X app that sits quietly in your menu bar and alerts you when it sees something hogging CPU.
A Mac menu bar app interface to the Hadoop JobTracker. It gives you easy access to jobs in JobTracker, and provides Growl/Notification Center notices of starting, completed, and failed jobs.
Github Gist plugin for Sublime Text 2/3
Allows users to temporarily un-follow someone who’s being noisy, re-following them after a given period of time.
Pygtail reads log file lines that have not been read. It will even handle log files that have been rotated. Based on logcheck’s logtail2
Python decorator to prevent base class methods from being called directly.
A subclass of NSMutableArray that allows callers to register blocks to receive the value of an element in the array, even if that element does not exist yet.
Campfire bot framework.
The open-sourced remains of Wesabe, a personal financial site.
An ancient Windows utility that allows you to keep an encrypted list of accounts with usernames, passwords, and notes.